Source Code

I'm hot

angry at something

My boss was such an asshole at work today. He made me work overtime! I'm hot.

by Dewiz June 27, 2022

hot teacher

an attractive teacher of which you would like to bang

Jane: omg mr. smith is sooo fine! he is such a hot teacher i would tap that until next july!
Katie: me too! he's so hot!

by oh happy days! June 29, 2009

436๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot 97

Station that has been on the downhill since 2000. it has gone so low as to make a song mocking the tsunami victims

fuck Hot 97 Power 105 sucks to but hey Fuck Hot 97

by Dong Woo January 24, 2005

266๐Ÿ‘ 169๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Clark

Describes the act of a female shitting on a male's glasses as he huffs her panties.

Ben was getting a smoking hot clark when the bitch slipped and broke his new shades.

by Mark Simmons May 18, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Heterosexually Hot

Attractive/appealing to members of the other gender

Matthew Morrison isn't gay, I'm a girl and I swear he's so heterosexually hot!!!

by iHEARTShiaLaBeouf November 5, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Topic

A store that is found at malls. They have random accessories, a bunch of band t-shirts, pants, funny shirts, make up, underwear, hair coloring and cool shoes. Basically every thing a normal store would have. Many people think others shop here to try to be rebellious. Some losers do that, but others actually like what they sell and they shop there. Many parents are afraid of this store and think the people that are inside worship the devil. That's usually false.

"Let's go to Hot Topic."
"You faggot, shopping there and buying the same stuff everyone else buys from there is not being rebellious. Go die you queer."
"I'm not trying to rebel to anything, I seriously like the stuff they sell there, dumbass."

by LikeHeyItsTiff November 1, 2007

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Hot Winger

The act of putting Buffalo sauce on the penis prior to insertion/penetration of the pussy and/or anal cavity.

"Our sex life isn't spicy enough baby"
"We should spice'n things up ;) "

"Hot winger me baby! HOT WINGER ME!!!"


by ReMiJE November 9, 2009

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