calling some one an idiot and saying that your mom does "bad things"
I bet that is not what your MOM said last night
A phrase that is easy to describe on urban dictionary because everyone has used it.
1: Dude, there's like a million definitions for "your mom" on urban dictionary.
2: Your mom.
A comeback
Jane: "You know who else suffers from dementia?"
Bob: "your mom XD"
Jane: "kys"
you use it for a come back to someone if they insulted you
Friend:"Your gay"
Yoy:"That's not what your mom said last night"
Your mom is a concoction of 'y' 'o' 'u' 'r' 'm' 'o' 'm' and it is hilarious to use in day to day conversations with your siblings.
Joe- You are a fat, horrible person.
Lauren- Don't care + Didn't ask
Joe- Shut up you neek (geek+ nerd)
Lauren- Your mom is a neek
Everybody else in class- OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! GET ROASTED
Carson- You wear tank tops all the time Chloe
Chloe- Your mom wears tank tops all the time
Carson runs away crying to his mommy and snitching to mother
Taylor- Do you know a mirror cuz that is who you talk to everyday. HAHA
Taaylor- Does your mom know a mirror since that is her only friend.
Taylor- Really? How do you know?
Taalor-Because your mom told me.
Taylor- One more word about my mom and you are dead.
Taaylor- Can you ask your mother something?
Taylor- Why?
Taaylor- because I left my toothbrush there.
Taylor- Where are you?
Taaylor- At your mom's house.