If you are one of the unlucky students to have fallen into Ms.Wang's trap this year, you have noticed she smells really funky. Well that is her indian influence, from when she hung out with fat indian men twice her size. She is somehow part indian and her indian accent slips out every now and then so if she tries to touch you with her buttery greasy hands, JUST RUN.
"Ooooooo whats that smelllllll, hey ms wang why you coming here"
" oohohohoooooo shes coming its the ms.wangs indian influence time she will touch you runnn"
When six or more guys sit in a circle around a 1 girl and pound on their legs like a drum as the girl jerks their dicks off
Hey Ashley I'm hanging with my friends on Saturday and I was wondering if you wanted to perform an Indian Jerk Ritual