Source Code

pussy killing ratio

The amount of pussy people get on a daily basis, shortened to PKR.

Dan: Hey man, I killed some pussy last night, so my pussy killing ratio is high.
Bill: Nice, but you will never get a positive pkr like me.

by OnyxTrolls July 12, 2014

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

kill da joe

To drink the rest of a pot of coffee. Usually pisses off other coffee drinkers if you, as the one who finished the coffee, don't put more on.

You kill da joe, you make some mo'!

by sexy wavelength August 9, 2008

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Kill all woman

Feminist say: β€œkill all men Is satirical, and if you have to look it up then you probably don’t understand that.” As such that is equally true then for kill all woman, a man might say to a woman in response to β€œkill all men” or when a woman does something sexist, rude, or disgusting. It is usually used to express frustration or disappointment, however, sometimes it is used to get a rise out of woman.

Woman 1: β€œ David: Are we splitting the check?

Woman 2: β€œWhat did you do?”

Woman 1: β€œI told him to sleep careful tonight because I don’t need him #kill all men!”
Woman 2: β€œwhat did he say”
Woman 1: β€œ then I guess Kill all woman to”

by JessyRand February 1, 2021

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

killing my boner

When someone or something is lame. Can be used by both sexes.

"Man my job is killing my boner day in and day out"

by N.T.T November 24, 2009

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Kill yourself nigger

Main quote used by Call of Duty players.

Kid: Hi sir-

by Leviticus Zachary Fingerdoodle September 11, 2023

32πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

kill em all

Metallica's first and best album.

Heavily influenced by Venom and Motorhead but took it up another notch with the superior guitar soloing of former Exodus guitarist Kirk Hammett.

Reworks demos from 1981's Hit the Lights 7-inch and 1982's No Life Til Leather (featuring Dave Mustaine on lead guitars/lead vocals) and vastly improves on their song structure.

Song list found in another prior UD definition. All songs are raw and not overproduced - the opposite of every Metallica album afterwards.

Originally released on Megaforce Records in May 1983.

Kill Em All is clearly the only Metallica album that doesn't suck and is still enjoyable in the present tense.

The black kids in my high school (late 1980s) thought Kill Em All had something to do with killing black people, which is totally stupid and false.

by Assex 776 September 15, 2007

79πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Kill all men

People that say "Kill all men" are social rejects, mostly women use it, but there are also Pick me boys who say it.

A man just looked at me. Kill all Men

by UrGirlsFriend0 April 22, 2021

696πŸ‘ 373πŸ‘Ž