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National Hate Day

The day people get to openly hate each other without having to pretend to love one another like they do the rest of the year.

She wanted to take their National Hate Day celebration, the one day they didn't have to repress all the nascent negativity, not only because she was too weak to acknowledge her own negative feelings, but she also needed to keep her image/reputation of false love/light/positivity intact.

by The Original Agahnim May 27, 2021

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National Cathedral School

A rigorous college prep school located in Washington, D.C.

Contrary to what others say, the school is not full of students with eating disorders. However, it's a highly competitive environment. Expect to work extremely hard.

National Cathedral School Student: Ugh I got an A- my mom will kill me

by idk112 February 3, 2012

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Black Nation

wen u real real real real real real black

"a G, u see dis nigga"
"yea g he black nation"

by Shaneka April 22, 2008

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National Cum Day

Cum as hard as you can and as fast as you can with your friends.

e.g compete with one of your friends all day and whoever cums the most by 12:00 am wins the challenge of National Cum Day

by graesenpooford December 14, 2020

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National pants day

On october 18th you can pants anybody you want.

hey boi lemme pants you on national pants day

by daddyjaz October 17, 2018

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National Aquarius day

Also known as Naomi's birthday

Wow today is National Aquarius day!! (January 28th)

by Naomi : ) January 27, 2021

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National Couples Day

A day when couples get to be together all day

Hey! October 20 is National Couples Day!

by Chicken Shitakimushrooms October 15, 2019

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