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Juice Puppy

a dope ass name given to the hardest member of a crew.

"Now that Malcom's dead, it looks like I'm being promoted to Juice Puppy status.

by juice puppy September 14, 2004

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krunk juice

Any drink that gets you relatively "fucked up" or "krunked", especially malt liquor eightballs. See "maltlicious".

Ben and I went to the "Get N' GO" and bought a shit load of krunk juice.

by Jack Adick January 6, 2005

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Weirdo Juice

When someone is acting or saying something that's completely outta the norm or even crazy. You would say that person's on that weirdo juice.

That nigga's talkin that stupid shit, so he must be on that weirdo juice.

Kanye West was on that weirdo juice when he got on stage at the VMA's

by DJDrew27 September 28, 2009

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guntal juice

noun. refers to the sweat beads and/or general perspiration on a fat woman's gunt. Salty in taste, and pungent in odour, these pits of moisture are neither desirable or attractive. commonly found on obese women on a humid day. Not to be confused with cuntal juice

A : "fuck man, that fat bitch's stomach is shining in my eyes"

B : "thatll be the sun reflecting off her guntal juice"

by Myea August 21, 2005

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Milf Juice

Any alcoholic beverage associated with attractive older ladies.

Cosmos, Sparkling Wines and such.

"Craig, saw your mum rampaging through a lot milf juice last night"

by dark-f1re May 19, 2010

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jimmy juice

southpark version of steriods

dont do it jimmy ,jimmy juice is bad for u u shouldnt use it jsut to win the special olymoics

by PlayDohMan April 27, 2004

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clit juice

liquid gold.
tastes like my cum

henry loves the clit juice.
down that clit juice, henry!

by the commander of the clit August 21, 2003

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