The symptom of perceiving yourself as being superior and better than others. Anyone that will use any rule that has no basis in anything to try to prove they are a human being more deserving of something than other human beings, because they were born in the capital city of a country.
Person 1: Holy shit, Christian has the Prishtina Syndrome. He thinks he is better than anyone else.
Where one who grew up in Raanana does not feel fully connected to the Israeli or American mentality. Always striving to live the “American dream” but feels connected to Israel. Can not write an essay in either Hebrew or English.
Oh boy, they have the Raanana Syndrome heavy
One who lacks social skills, Lives for Xbox Live, and also is known to drive purple S-10's. Pale white in complexion due to nerdy game playing, and masturbation. One who can live to be anywhere from 18 years old to 50, and still, a virgin.
Dude, that guy must have Shell Syndrome, look at his purple truck!
the word Heather is basically from a song from Conan Gray. And Heather is someone that everyone likes and heather syndrome is the person who wants to be Heather so that their crush will like them back.
Emily: i think i might have heather syndrome
Jess: why?
Emily: cuz heather has everything that i dont and everyone likes her even my crush but how can i hate her shes such an angel.
Jess: damn
Griechenland syndrome
You haven't had your retardation dignosed (yet) but you say random things just for fun even tho it ain't one. Your random statements may include irreverent jokes or words in foreign languages. This whole phenomenon happens out of sudden compulsions that make you say that without even realising. Don't confuse with tourette's syndrome as these compulsions can be fought and you may eventually recover from this ilness. Can also occur in text messaging.
Griechenland syndrome:
EX 1:
Subject 1: "hey there, remember not to cum in the rum"
Subject 2: "Cockram what"
Subject 1 *goes upstairs*
Subject 1: Griechenland
One who only thinks that Republicans and Democrats matter even though both have dug this country into a huge mess with their massive spending, wars, one sidedness, and allegiance to themselves. No matter what either party does, the person has no free thinking for themselves and listens to the brainwashing media and career politicians and will always vote, without hesitation, a Republicunt or Democunt.
Do not give in to Republicans, Democrats, media, friends, family, etc. They have what's called Duopoly Syndrome. They will try to force you to vote the way they want you to vote and have you vote agaisnt what you believe in all for the so called "greater good". Following the masses for the " greater good" isn't always good and it shows in history.
dumbo syndrome dumbo syndrome a condition/ caused from wearing protective masks for a long amount of time pushing the ears forward making them them red and unable to even be taped down.
what a bad case of dumbo syndrome she/he has i dont think thats going away, anytime soon. this plague is getting us one way or the other created by nazzaro