here's a little follow up on the rhode island girl definition i wrote earlier. i left out some stuff (im bumble bee x)
rhode island girls are the best. we're not cheap sluts or whores - we're pretty awesome kickass chicks. we're either irish or italian - sometimes we're both. we have sand in our hair, coffee milk in our hands, a fake id in our bag (not that we need one anyway .. cause the bouncer always lets us in) and there might be a tatoo somewhere on us that we got on federal hill. we go clubbing with the family ("i know a guy"), and our brothers and cousins will beat your ass if you mess with us. you know, we might just beat your ass ourselves. we live for hockey. we've been raised to be the best. and you what - we are. we drive fast and we walk slow. we're fearless. and yes - that is a mercedes i drive. i got my rims on federal hill. we throw mean punches. we're smart. we're gorgeous. we like politics and speaking our mind. sometimes - we just wanna party. nobody intimidates us - we intimidate them. no, we dont talk like we're from boston - we talk like we're from rhode island. cant understand us ? fuck you ! "bubbla" does not mean "bubbly." garlic - becomes 'gaaalic.' the day that comes afta friday is not saturday its "sad-day." you dont drive a car - you drive a "ka." we cook a lot. we live for the beach. we've got sand in our toes. our state is still run by the mob - and we like it that way. we are proud to say that we own things that 'fell off the back of the truck.' you say our state is corrupted ? fuck no - its normal. we arent afraid to throw some douche bag in the river at providence or shove you off a dock in newport. we brave the cobblestone streets of providence in heels. we party it up in hell. the phrase 'mother fucker' is used a whole damn lot. but of course itll be said as 'motha fucka.' we are proud to say that we know a guy. our uncles are cops, our dads run the government and the hill, our moms cook a whole lotta shit, we party with our brothers and cousins, the same brothers and cousins will beat your ass, we're like jersey girls - only better, my cousins can sell you rims, and you can party with me. we are rhode island girls - and we're damn proud of it.
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Noun, roll of $1 bills with a $100 bill on the outside giving the appearance that one has more money than they claim.
Johnny tried to pay me off with a Coney Island bankroll, but I saw right through that junk.
When the original premise of a movie is more interesting than the twist.
"Man, that movie was good, but I really just wanted to watch detective Leo investigate a mystery at the insane asylum on this creepy island."
"Yeah, I guess that's why they call it Shutter Island Syndrome."
When a member of the Jersey Shore does too much cocaine
Snooki had to take an Long Island IV last Friday.
Fanmade islands by the MSM community after it got intoxicated by AUTTPs and UTTPs
If you say good users and bad users don’t exist them and their fans will attack you over it when it’s true 💀
Person 1:*makes bad user island*
Person 2:good users and bad users don’t exist 💀
Person 3:shut yo bitch ass up
Person 4:ok boomer
Person 5:L+bozo+ratio
Person 6:bro they’re right 💀
Person 2:ikr what a bunch of 2 year olds
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A place where “the locals” (people who have permanently lived there all or most of their lives) absolutely fucking despise tourists. Like they are ABSOLUTELY NOT welcome there.
my childhood
Do you watch Battle For Dream Island?
That's my entire childhood
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