A slang term for a Canadian woman's privates that are not shaved.
Due to misappropriation, the Canadian beaver has requested that the term Beaver only be used as the slang for a shaved woman's privates!
Karen's squirrel was a little prickly since she last shaved her beaver!
Evil wizards in disguise trying to take over the world
Don't let them fool you with they're adorableness, their disguises are created from the corpses of innocent animals. If you see one, murder it immediately.
person 1: ''HEY look a squirrel :D''
person 2: ''WHERE?''
person 1: ''THERE, look how adorable he is :DD''
To be really annoying in skywars
this fucking squirrel
stop squirreling
A Southern term men use for women they want to nut in.
Cute or Hot girls men find sexually attractive.
Guy 1. Damn that girl is a squirrel.
Guy 2. Hell yeah id love to hide my nut in her.
a person who only contributes to a groupme and not a real life conversation.
person 1: who is that girl in the corner?
person 2: oh, that's the group squirrel. she doesn't talk in real life, only online.