Show Choir Hangover - n.
A feeling when a member of show choir is still feeling the effect of show choir Saturday. Basically extra tiredness throughout the weekend.
Oh dude, I have a nasty show choir hangover!
This show choir hangover is killing me. At least I had fun performing.
A single or limited series show or program that can be used to provide temporary relief from the abysmal withdrawal one experiences after completing a long running beloved series only to find nothing else on the binge-watching horizon (aka Show Hole).
Also can be used to refer to any other activity used expressly for dealing with Show Hole related trauma.
"I have nothing to watch until the next season of Stranger Things drops next week!! I think there is a single series on Dahmer that would make good Show Hole Spackle"
On April 12, You show a man your titties and tell no one
Today is titties showing day
an excuse to fuck someone in private.
“hey mom i’m gonna show them the quilt”
“alright have fun honey”
To drug and rape a woman while watching the cosby show.
Hey baby, wanna Cosby Show and Chill?
A fallacy in which a barbaric bafoon repeatedly says show me as a result of said baboon failing to come up with a reasonable argument.
Pedro uses the show me fallacy when he is wrong