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Too is the correct way to end a sentence with “too”

Incorrect: me to
Correct: Me too

by Correct man April 20, 2020


monster rookies that deserves the roty

Have you heard about monster rookies, TOO?

by heonivrse November 25, 2020


literally now-days people use to and too wrongly.

Like this:
Guy 1: 500 pounds are to heavy.
Guy 2: too you mean

by oofedinrobloxihatenewoof2022 November 29, 2022


Aswell; also

"I want to go too!:
"I wanna come too"

by _.moth._ July 18, 2022


If someone is getting too excited, too giddy, too riled up, or just flat out acting like an idiot.

"You're soo too"
"Too You are"
" You're being way too"

by FreddyBean May 9, 2022


It's too much horny.

It's too much horny.

by its just horny March 16, 2021

Too solid

To be, to cool for school. To be a very good mate.

You didn't tell them coppas nothen, You be too solid!

by Lockogirl November 3, 2023