Source Code

waffle buffet

When man "A" fills a hot waffle iron with his load, and man "B" consumes the crusty cum cake. This can be repeated several times to complete the buffet effect.

Roger prepared a mouth water watering waffle buffet for his best friend Patrick.

by B nasty August 6, 2014

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Hairy Waffles

One of those times when your balls accidently get caught in the vice like grip of a waffle iron and are never the same again.

Bro I was drinking while making waffles last night and accidently made myself a steaming plate of hairy waffles. Shit hurts man.

by Pedo the Filer December 24, 2016

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Noun: misgendered crotch cleavage, especially on a transgender individual. Lips of female genitalia on a pre-op female to male tranny, or male genetalia bulge on a pre-op male to female tranny. Men get moose-knuckles. Women get camel-toes. Trannies get donkey-waffles.

Whoa dude! Check out the gnarly donkey-waffle on Pat. I think Iโ€™m gonna vomit!

by B'Jeff February 3, 2018

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Dolphin Waffle

Vagina; The female version of a waffle dolphin

The dolphin waffle had struggled through out the battle with the waffle dolphin of who would be on top.

by Quentin and Anthony February 25, 2011

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Frosty Waffle

1. The act of inserting ice cubes into ones vagina the proceeding to get boned.

2. A delicious cone from Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers

"Dude, how'd your date with Suzy go?"

"She totally let me give her a frosty waffle!"

by Deehydrated July 7, 2014

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Waffle Batter

The act of a male having sex with a female whose vagina is infected with blue waffle, then ejaculating baby batter upon or inside said vagina.

"Dude...Jack scored last night with that broad with a blue waffle!"
"Shit, yeah, man, that guy gave her waffle batter!"

by Xterra April 2, 2016

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Fluid Waffle

When you have diarrhea and shove a crispy waffle uo your ass. Then proceed to shit out the waffle. The crispy waffle will then slice up your asshole and then you proceed to bleed on the waffle. Then after you have bled on it to your desired amount you proceed to piss and cum on the waffle.

Shit for Hazelnut Spread

Blood for Strawberry Sauce

Piss for Syrup

Cum for Whipped Topping

Hey babe, I know you're having explosive diarrhea.. Wanna try making a fluid waffle?

by Shartingtrash October 30, 2022

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