Source Code

List Of People Who Died On The Toilet

List Of People Who Died On The Toilet is a List Of People Who Died On The Toilet

(I’m so immature help me)

Help.... it’s starting to itch...

Yeah please don’t accept List Of People Who Died On The Toilet

by Magnifying Glass July 22, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Knights Who Say 'Ni' Effect

When something good (or at the very least "okay") becomes insufferable by association with those who like and/or praise it.

In the time since then and the release of Portal 2, you'll be pleased to hear that I eventually did come up with a criticism for Portal 1: it's got the worst fucking fans in the world. Nothing ruins a good thing quite like knowing you share your opinions with mindless little tits who bray like mules if you so much as mention the word "cake," and the good thing in question can never be the same again. This is technically known as the "Knights Who Say 'Ni' Effect."
--Zero Punctuation

by The Logical Fallacy June 11, 2017

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Who put sand in her vagina

A term used to describe old, irritating, irrational old people. Sand in vagina's can be irritating and make people a bunch of assholes to be/ work with.

Student 1- So I drew that damn picture and that old bitch the principle gave me a one week suspension. I'm totally fucked when I get home.

Student 2- damn dude, who put sand in her vagina

by Wasinator February 26, 2011

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Who took a shit in your vagina?!

Used when someone is being extra shitty.

Person #1: dude back up off me!
Person #2: dude who took a shit in your vagina?!

by DaltonBlack383 September 24, 2011

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

I like you for who you are

i'll let you fuck me because you're rich

rich old guy: "hey young girl wanna date me?"
Macauly Culkin: "yes i like you for who you are"

by obi wan kefucktard June 1, 2004

90πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

call someone who gives a shit

Don't bother me with your petty bullshit. I don't give a wrinkled rat's ass. Politer version is call someone who cares.

I think I might get fired tomorrow.
Here's a quarter. Go call someone who gives a shit.

by octopod November 22, 2003

52πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

who let you out

Usually referred to as a black person. When used you are asking who let you out of your cage at the zoo.

Hey Curtis who let you out ? How'd this one get out?

by Chimp you out February 3, 2016

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž