When you are impaired to the point that your arms are glued down, your head is part of someone elses body, and you don't have legs anymore. In honor of the great Stephen Hawkins
I surpassed the point of high and got completely hawked out
When a person is fighting there sleep and starts dozing off wherever they are. When a person falls asleep for a few seconds to minutes and has bumped there head or other body parts
Look at T**, peachin out, I bet his head hits the door...
Quit peachin out and get up in bed.
a dance that requires bounce your bulge foward similar to twerking
he 'bout to trip out infront ofthe huzz
the thing under your desk that you can pull out for your keyboard
I don't have enough place on my desk, i need an underdesk keyboard pull out thing
Jermaine and pookie we're stuck in the hood their whole life, until they got their GED. Pookie turned to Jermaine and said "let's roll out this piece son"
Make our day occurs on January 22nd on this day go out and make out (not just a peck) with whoever you want!!
Charli: I just made out with Chase
Annie: why?
Charli: Because it’s make out day
Annie: ohh yeah