the nature of a muLLet haircut observed from psychopathic feminist's POV..
"i was expLaining to friend the nature of a muLLet haircut when observed by psychopathic feminists.. i think they see my muLLet as a MAN FLAG !!"
"bro thats so true !!"
The body fluid that ejects from the penis.
I suck his dick every morning for my daily intake of man protein.
Alan is the man whore because he doesn't want Victoria and only Victoria alan man whore
A man who changes his entire personality to get laid. Pretends to like girl things, bands, music. Dresses in baggy clothes and posts about cats.
Girl: Do you think he really like TV Girl and Lana Del Rey?
Regular man: no. He’s a chameleon man. He’ll change his entire personality just for some ass.
fish man will arrive in your sleep. fish man will drive in your dreams. fish man is going to follow you...
fish man.