Bang Christopher Chan day!
Happy birthday Bangchan from STRAYKIDS
Hey what day is it?
It’s October 3rd?
Ohhh it’s Bangchan’s birthday!
You’re a stay too! I love Stray kids
Stray kids everywhere all around the world❤️
National ask your crush to date u for 72 hours
Jake:hey Emma would u date me for 72hours
Emma:OFC only bc it’s October 3 date ur crush for 72 hours
Crazy Cat Cunt. (pronounced: sea cubed)
Older female almost always afflicted with HPD - Hoarding Personality Disorder.
Yocal Newscaster:
County Sheriff and Animal Control officers seized 73 cats and found several more carcasses stuffed in a freezer in a C^3's rural home this afternoon.
C^3: (crying)
I luv me each and every one of them cats, eevun tha ones in ma freezer! Aww please gimme ma kitties back, boo hoo!
Nola is a bad bitch, don't mess with her or else you don't wanna know what will happen. She is a natural born queen/leader who is fierce when she wants to. Overall shy, this describes the name Nola.
"Nola! Your so ugly."
"Shut the f### up.
Nola :3 (I needed to put the cute face. It wouldn't not let me.)
When a man attempts to find his "soul mate" by trying to cum within the span of 3 pumps. If he doesn't, she's out.
man, he was out cold within 3 strikes, she must be the one
One of the best Xbox 360 games to date, designed for children with anger issues, people without microphones, and people who think Call of duty 4 isnt as good.
Kid 2:I got sword! Im comin' dont worry!
Kid 3: Hey! look at me! I T-BAggud that guy, I LOVE HALO 3!!!!
Adult 1: Shit... I'm going back to call of duty...
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