Source Code

Digital Rage

To rage digitally.

Steve: Omg, he's bad
Bob: Don't worry, he'll digital rage quit soon.

by ragedigital July 1, 2009

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The measure of rage accomplished in a single night. Deciding factors include the amount of alcohol consumed, people fucked, and poor decisions made.

Dude, last night was a perfect 10 on the rage-ometer.

Rage-ometer set, let's rage.

by Addalicia May 9, 2011

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To rage buy

When you can't stand something you're using so you buy a better version of it out of rage.

I couldn't stand my old phone, I had to rage buy a new one.

by totolatino January 31, 2012

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hulk rage

The frustration from daily life stresses that lead a person to explode in anger and accidently or intentionally destroy things.

I lost my job, crashed my car on the way home and found out that the basement to my house was flooded. My hulk rage led me to throw around cardboard boxes like I was a giant and they were buildings. anger, rage, frustration, superhero, Hulk, blow up, throw a fit, fuss

by joecoolthefool July 31, 2015

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Rage Comic

A type of comic found on various websites which use poorly drawn pictures and faces to be funny.

I spent the whole night looking at rage comics.

by zombie_kitteh August 19, 2011

19πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Rage Cage

A drinking game similar to speed quarters. When a player fails to make his quarter bounce into his shooting cup, he risks entering a "cage" where he must drink beers to remove himself. As the game progresses, anger may develop, and the cage becomes a "rage cage." If the player can not drink himself out of the rage cage, he is eliminated from the game.

Bobby claims to have never been caught in a rage cage, however, those who play rage cage with him know better.

by Spencer1326 March 5, 2007

43πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

White Rage

White people who spend way too much time looking for things to be mad about on the internet. Typically triggered very easily.

Also see: persecution complex

This guy spends way too much time on Reddit looking for things to be mad about about that don’t actually affect him. He’s suffering from a severe case of white rage.

by The Sen Den August 14, 2021

15πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž