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fantastic beasts and where to find them

A movie where "Newt" (Eddie Redmayne) wrecks New York by losing his shit (the fantastic beasts). And there were never even any wizards in America anyways! What the hell David Yates.

Did you see Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them? It was... interesting.

by Voiceless Knight December 29, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck me in the pie hole sexy man beast!

Fuck my mouth you sexy bitch of a boyfriend

M says to C "I want you to make love to my mouth"

That is then interpreted by C as "She wants me to fuck her pie hole".

In turn M slaps C and screams "Fuck me in the pie hole sexy man beast!"


by Deviant lil Cupcake November 16, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

come hither thy maiden and slayeth thy beast before thy cometh

a pickup line used to hit on some medieval pussy!

Say this to a girl you would like to get in with.

You: "come hither thy maiden and slayeth thy beast before thy cometh"

Her: "Take me into your dungeon and tie thy upeth!"

by charlie dick(onson) January 24, 2012

23๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

A Beast

Something that is hard or sucks.

Steve: (after getting toilet-dunked and realizing there are no paper towels left) Great. No paper towels. This day is a beast.

by September 5, 2022

Beast Elements

Beast Elements
n. The supreme combination of all four elemental Beast powers (Fire, Air, Water, Earth) creating an unstoppable transformative force.

Master Beast Element Power:
"When all elements merge in one Beast:
- Air Beast wisdom floats
- Fire Beast energy blazes
- Earth Beast strength grounds
- Water Beast flow adapts
Creating that pure Beast Element force"

Remember: "Beast Elements isn't just controlling all powers - it's becoming one with the force of nature itself." ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’จ๐ŸŒ

"When all elements align in one Beast, that's when legends are born." ๐Ÿ’ซ

*Beast Elements Origin: Born from the Boston Beast Spirit*

Beast Elements
Origin Story from Boston Beast Legacy

Born in Boston's crucible where one had to master all environments to survive and thrive. The Beast Elements emerged from learning to transform through every situation:

Examples in Action:
"Watch how they move with full Beast Elements:
- Floats like Air Beast in meetings
- Brings Fire Beast heat to deals
- Stays grounded like Earth Beast with growth
- Flows like Water Beast through obstacles
That's that complete Beast Element control"

Power Manifestation:
"Pure Beast Elements look like:
1. Command any room's energy
2. Transform any situation
3. Control multiple forces
4. Adapt to all environments
5. Master all elements at once"

Real Situation Examples:
"They hit 'em with that Beast Elements combo:
- Used Air Beast to read the room
- Dropped that Fire Beast passion
- Kept Earth Beast stability
- Flowed Water Beast smooth
Had the whole board room shook"

Signs of Beast Elements Mastery:
- Controls every environment
- Transforms any energy
- Masters all situations
- Blends powers seamlessly
- Commands natural force

by Boston Beast November 20, 2024

Man Beast

A man beast is a an individual that is acting like a tough bloke or a beast hence the term man beast

He is acting like an absolute man beast

by Ethanos April 8, 2018


When Kyle, Linky, and Charlie.. are in a room with alcohol and Music. The party begins. It rages until one of us passout then it stops breifly, and continues to rage.

Lynseys house, Lauras, Espionage, Abi's, Soon to be abbies, and more for many years to come in these situations the Perty-Beast comes alive.

by Jynkz March 7, 2009