A megadeus from the anime "The Big-O" piloted by Schwarzwald aka Micheal Seebach. Big Duo is the only megadeus possessing the ability of flight, with the possible exception of Big Venus. It's propeller hands could also serve as a cutting weapon. Additional armaments included optic lasers, machine guns in its forearms, missile batteries in its chest, and a pair of high ordnance missiles stored in its knees.
"Wherever there's Big Duo, Schwarzwald is soon to follow."
Dems om phat titties yo
"Poetic's mom has big nockers."
Tha MILF ha sum big nockers yo
Big Brody has a bald head, and he is on the lookout for Tyrone. Tyrone fucked Big Brody’s wife long dick style, so that’s why he’s looking for him.
I’m big brody, and i got a bald head.
Everybody got it wrong no big hungry isn’t a woman who eats 6 meals a day.... Big hungry is a person who eats all day like in class in their free time even in the middle of the night when they wake up...
It could also be a nickname too...
And it could be a person who eats toooo much ☺️
DAMNNN big hungry what is that a Big Mac from McDonald’s ??!!
Another form of saying "WANNA FUCK"
Want the big zuck
Hell ya
1.A term used to describe someone or something larger than life in the hood/ghetto.
2.Ofen used as a battle cry by these people as well.
3. Simply the word "Chickens" said by somebody with a breathing/nasal disorder
1.Dem big chuikuns nikes be tearin up da row, i want a pair too, Dauntelle.
2. As Marcellius carried the ball down the field he let out a blood-curdling cry: "BIIIG CHUIKUNSSS", and once again in the end zone as he was out of breath.
3. I be a-hankerin' fo some chuikun McNuggets