Often used in video games to describe the act of sitting in a corner like a saddo waiting for an unsuspecting soul to walk in front of your line of fire.
A very cheap way for inexperienced players to get kills. A good alternative to practise and getting better at the game.
Guy 1: "Dude why is that idiot sitting in a corner to get kills?"
Guy 2: "He's camping, it's the only way he knows how to play."
Camper: "xDDD u so bAd at the game loL"
Going to another state to get an abortion because it's illegal in your state
I just found out I'm pregnant, so I need to go camping in New Mexico.
The coolest summercamp ever. A bunch of ghetto kids from all over Oregon mashed together in the middle of nowhere to make art.
1. Coolest place in the world
2. "Damn, that shit like Camp Caldera!"
3. "He chill like Camp Caldera!"
When you stay in your room day on end to weeks on end to century’s on end completely absent from human civilization
Dam Aliyah you’ve been indoor camping for about a half a decade now
An annual outdoor gathering of people who appreciate and care for lemurs and also believe You Can Just Do Things
"have you bought your ticket to vibe camp yet? There's going to be a spontaneous improv musical about lemurs this year!"
Camping In luxury and bringing more than you need.
Do we really need a gas generator for two nights in the woods?
Hell yeah! We are Cadillac Camping.
Using newbie or noob social settings to hunt and prey upon people too new to know to avoid you.
Kristinne has burned so many bridges she has to spawn camping classes for beginners where no one knows her.