walk up on a nigga and just start swinging with no purpose
you keep talkin ima have to hit u wit dat marr btc
Destroy Lonely's music. Typically a specific song that transcends the listener.
I was driving at night when Dat Lone came on and I immediately began to think I was Batman.
To make that ass spin in circles at the club.
Johnny: did you see that girl over there??
Carlos: yeah bro she was finna perculate dat on me but I had to pee.
A popular minecraft term used by those who kill another with an axe.
Oh I just killed that guy... Dat axe!
Is to ethier dip your balls into your partners or your own bodily fluids and then have sweaty sex with you partner.
Azure is gonna marinate dat gator when he gets home!
A small town in Mississippi, a slang for Tylertown.
I’m from Dat town.
Dat town really living like that.
When 1 guy is depressed and NEEDS cash now
Mike- U are going to be demoted
John- U know what, cash me outside how bou dat