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prison food

what you get whne you bend over in the shower at prison

i got prison food served by a dude named betty

by cow pie xc girl named cait November 16, 2004

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Raptor Food

Chronic, Weed, Fire, Marijuana, Herb.

roll up some of that raptor food son.

by kushblunts January 22, 2009

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puppy food

A food puppy's eat. Seriously people!

I have to feed the dogs puppy food

by KitKat_14 December 20, 2014

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Big Food

big ass, big derriere, big butt, big booty
big body ,alot of body

That girl is a big food

by 931293 February 15, 2012

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Food Amnesia

The act of forgetting the food one has just previously eaten, made famous in an episode of Spongebob when Patrick Star eats his own food and forgets soon thereafter. This can also lead to accusing other people of eating or stealing ones food.

Terry: Where da fuck is my sandwhich?

Nardo: The one you beasted on, like five seconds ago?

Terry: No, I didn't even take a bite yet!

Nardo: Bro, you have a case of food amnesia

by DAnteDMCgirl June 24, 2011

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Food Amnesia

This happens when you've just eaten something like... 2 seconds ago... and forgot you ever ate it.

Patrick: Where'd my candy bar go?
Spongebob: You ate it, Pat, it's all over your face.
Me: Major food amnesia

Angel has serious Food Amnesia. She JUST ate that apple core.

by Katie Marie Bell October 26, 2011

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Turtle Food

slang term for Marijuana

hey man, you got any turtle food?

by Rob Sampson June 26, 2009

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