Showing one’s penis, particularly an older gentleman.
I walked into the locker room and old dude in the corner was definitely hanging Albanian meat.
An argument without any proven facts.
Your argument is baseless; you've got nothing to hang your coat on. Take it with you on the way out.
Informal term for someone who only engages with easy, less challenging opportunities, while ignoring greater yet more difficult opportunities.
Etymology: Derived from the metaphor of "low-hanging fruit" representing effortless tasks or gains. Farmers, in this context, are individuals solely focused on these readily available options.
The marketing team are just a bunch of low-hanging fruit farmers, always chasing the latest trend instead of building long-term strategies.
That awkward moment when you realize life gets real real quick!
We don’t have any water but “I’m hanging in there. “
Usually used to convey that one is doing fine in the asked field
John: How's work?
Jim: It's tough but I'm hanging in there.
Wiener Hang is when a mans meat works its way out of the slip in his boxers and rests up against the zipper usually resulting with a very uncomfortable feeling. can lead to rash.
The boy's severe wiener hang caused him to run awkwardly to second base during the baseball game. All the parents pointed and laughed
Legitimately the best person there is. Helps with all the homework, and any problems. Biggest alpha as well.
"Damn I need some help with my homework and finding a girlfriend"
"DW just ask Li Hang, he's got you"