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an insult to a women or thot who has a fondness of talking to managers, driving kids to soccer practice, browsing Facebook and instasnap, workout selfies, technology dis fails, claiming this exact word being as insulting as the word nigga ( don't worry I have an N-Word pass), being a real fucker, ect..

Karen: dId YoU kNoW 5g CaUsEs CoRoNa ViRus?
Karen: LeT mE tAlK tO yOuR mAnAgEr! Im SuRe He WiLl ThInK dIfErEnTlY!

by TheIntellegenceMan May 23, 2020


A person who always complains about a simple problem (that is usually cause by someone else) instead of fixing on her/his own and gets angry quickly and seek a third person that has more influence/power to solve the problem for her/him.
A Karen is usually a white middle aged woman

Employee: Boss, there's a karen that wants to meet you. She wants 10 instead of 8 olives on her sandwich but she has already paid for it and now she wants another one for free.

by TheHebatKing June 15, 2021


A karen is is a person you don't want to be
The try to get the manager and yell at them

Karen's are stupid so don't be one

by Panda234 November 14, 2022


The bitch that makes you get your manager refuses the free fries you offer for not placing the malts on the tray

That fucking Karen is here

by Internet CRUSADER November 1, 2020


That one bitch who tries to hand out samples to you and tells you to "CALM DOWN! my kids can't here me calling you a bitch because their listening to kidsbop!"


by Kassie_bois February 8, 2020


A group of middle-age (mostly) white ladies who thinks she's way better than everyone and complain about every single thing

"omg she's such a Karen, she got mad because she waited 30 minutes for her coffee and expects it to be free"

by SimplySofyy March 14, 2022


Karen- A usually middle aged woman who usually becomes Slightly aggressive when coupons or discounts are declined.

E.g "We had a karen in the store yesterday. She was a peice of work!"

by 19lydlar April 26, 2020