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Garbage Pants

a person not aware of culturally accepted pantswear and culturally accepted cleaniness. wearer of pants usually made out of any or a mix of the following: garbage, patches, weed/hemp, discoballs, plastic, dried apples, glass, tape, human hair, scabs, and provelone cheese.

Mitch patted Garbage Pants on the shoulder while Garbage Pants was sitting indian-style in the dumpster.

by DREWBLOOD December 18, 2003

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assless pants

Similar to chaps, but more like regular pants with the asses cut out

David Lee Roth constantly wore assless pants.

by KLP September 15, 2003

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zubaz pants

Loose fitting, oversized pants usually worn by weight-lifters. They're akin to parachute pants in that they are (usually) tightly cuffed at the waste and ankle, with the roomier part of the garment occurring around the leg and hip. Design wise, the fabric often mimics a zebra-like coloured pattern, usually featuring the primary colours of a significant sports team. It is a garment that goes very well with a hip-pack, a sleeveless muscle shirt and a mullet.

"Did you see that gorilla in the gym today? He was wearing Pittsburgh Steeler's (black and yellow) zubaz pants."

by Rob Cass February 23, 2006

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1. pants - pullโ‹…erโ€‚โ€‚pants-pull-ur
โ€“noun. Plural: Pants-Pullers

An ignorant person, often brainwashed or misinformed by Right-Wing media channels, talk show hosts, edited video clips or extremist organizations, who attempts to cause delay, disruption or embarrassment to another person or political party, regardless of facts and/or common sense.

2. pants - pullโ‹…erโ€‚โ€‚pants-pull-ur
A person who is so happy with the Status Quo that they have a genuine, real and dangerous fear of change and progress. As they see those around them effecting change, they reach out and pull their pants down in an attempt to delay, disrupt or injure them, in an attempt to prevent change and progress, and in an effort to maintain what they believe in their mind to be the status quo.

3. pants - pullโ‹…erโ€‚โ€‚pants-pull-ur
One who is so jealous of the success of others that (s)he attempts to sabotage another person's success.

"In an effort to gain 15-minutes of fame on national television, to get on the radar of voters in his home state and to publicly embarrass the President, Pants-Puller Joe Wilson shouted, 'You lie!' at the President during the President's address on healthcare reform."

"The Republican Party paid ten Pants-Pullers to show up to the Presidential Town Hall Meeting, where they proceeded to shout loud remarks in an effort to disrupt the meeting and to prevent rational discussion from taking place."

"John is a real Pants-Puller. He couldn't stand to see Peter win another award, so he told people the award ceremony was Saturday, when in reality it was Friday."

by CobaltBlue September 17, 2009

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material that goes around your legs

i wear pants.
Do you?

by samantha August 10, 2004

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1) One who wears pants made of ham.
2) National Ham-pants Day.
3) A stupid name given to a mate when pretending to be pirates.

1) Pants made of ham or substituted by stuffing ham into the pants.
2) The day for wearing Ham-pants. (Sunday 2nd July)
3) "Fuck off Captain Ham-pants, you're not actually the Captain of this ship!"

by cryonica July 8, 2006

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Suzie Pants

1) An amazing friend who is incredibly nice
2) An obsessive compolsive organizer/planner
3) Likes to make up and repeat someones sayings, thus getting them to say it even more often (ie: yummm when something gross is said)
4) An amazingly fun person who has many uncreative nicknames, but can come up with many good ones

I <3 my suzie pants!!

by Katie Becca February 9, 2005

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