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Ghetto Pizza

a pizza made of saltine crackers, ketchup packets and grated Parmesan cheese. Usually made by low income niggers, beaners, or white trash. Often made in public food courts, like The ones in malls, where all of the ingredients can be acquired for free.

Joe: Yo dawg wanna grab a burger at BK?

Anthony: No dawg... spent all my money on dope. I'll be eating ghetto pizza for lunch.

Joe: Sucks for you dawg!

by mayorofbootytown February 13, 2012

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Pizza Night

Despite sounding like an innocent night in "Pizza Night" refers to a night of sexual activities between three people, usually involving a combination of *Alcohol, *Cannabis and Pizza (*not essential). A traditional "Pizza Night" usually consists of 2 guys and 1 girl, the females back is then used as a table to rest the pizza during intercourse.

The "Pizza Night" ploy takes inspiration from the age old "Do you want to come round and watch a DVD?" technique, however has a much higher success rate due to the fact that bitches love Pizza!

Leonardo Dicaprio: Bro you think we should invite Mila Kunis round for "Pizza Night"?
God: Nahhh, she probs hasn't recovered from the last time we stuffed her crust ;)
Leonardo Dicaprio: True... Emma Watson??

by RJBD February 6, 2014

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pizza butt

having acne on the butt

wow in the locker room during gym i saw part of her butt and she had a pizza butt.

by isuk October 27, 2009

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pizza ownt

Yet another word for owned, pizz-ownt,
pwned, etc.

I Pizza ownt your mom!

by Strat March 1, 2005

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Pizza Style

When the result of sexual intercourse looks like a mess of pizza toppings.

Lizzies bed had been Pizza Style'd

by elizabeth998 October 17, 2011

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Pizza Bites

Pizza Bites, also know as Pizza Rolls or Pizza Pockets, are a miniature, bite sized version of pizza. They are for people who are unwilling to risk the involvement with a real pizza and/or pizza slices. Pizza Bites are made of oddly chewy plastic-like bread rolls, filled with synthetic tomato sauce, what you wish was cheese, and some kind of mystery meat.

As Mrs. Smith's teenage kids and their friends got home, she had a plate of Pizza Bites ready, because she's she that cool of a mom. Her children and friends burst through the door, and see the plate of offending Pizza Bites. "Oh well I just thought I'd whip you kids up a nice snack," says Mrs. Smith. "Mom," says her son, "What the crap. Pizza Bits are for noobs! (see noob) We need some real pizza!"

by IHeartPizzaBites June 2, 2009

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Pizza Scam

When a person convinces a bunch of friends and/or coworkers to order food, then collects money from said parties. Everyone gets food, but not only does the original planner not pay, he/she actually ends up with some extra cash.

This technique started in 2009 in Southern California and has been used in offices including a certain major animation studio, and a popular sports tv network that can not be named for legal reasons. Due to the current economic climate, and the ingenuity of this prank/scam it has slowly been gaining popularity.

The fact that the alleged victims do not feel cheated and the harmless friendly nature of the crime/theft, no official complaint was ever filed.

The ideal food to use for this con is pizza, but it has also been used for places like IN'N OUT and Chipotle due to their popularity.

The bigger the group, the easier it is to pull off this con.

A variation of this scam is when the originator does not end up with extra cash, and just gets a free meal.

(Other instances have popped up as far as Boston)

Coworker 1: hey everyone, lets get pizza today.
Coworker 2,3,...+n: Yea lets do it, here is my 5 dollars

Coworker 1 just did Pizza Scammed his coworkers

by Guywithacoolname October 27, 2010

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