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Rusty sprinkler

When a guy pees into another person's butt and then said person excretes the urine on another's face.

Did you see Robert's face when Lauren gave him a rusty sprinkler?

by Itsmetho1 January 26, 2019

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rusty lopez

while master bating with an oxidized iron pipe insert pinky into anal cavity and smear fecal matter across upper lip.

i walked into my BEQ and my roomate was giving himself a rusty lopez....so i joined him

by trent malibu July 30, 2012

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A Rusty Spoon

Spooning with your girlfriend when she is on her period.

Man #1: I didn't want it, but Jessica gave me A Rusty Spoon last night.
Man #2: Ugghh, that sounds terrible!

by InvictusTotalis April 12, 2016

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Rusty Tea

ok, so a rusty tea is when your girlfriend starts a heavy flow period and she leaves her first tampon in untill the last day of her period, then while on hands and knees you remove the tampon, pour cold water into her vag and replug it with the tampon, wait for the water to steep to body temp and then pour it into a single mug to share.

mmmm baby, iv been brewing you a rusty tea for he last week..

by rusty tea September 17, 2014

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rusty cheeseburger

The Act of fisting a girl in her ass with a cheeseburger then eating it.

I'm hungry and horny, lets have ourselves a rusty cheeseburger

by JustTooChewy July 13, 2015

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Rusty bubble

It's a fart

It's inevitable that someone in a packed room will drop a rusty bubble

by Gerry A Trik November 24, 2017

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Rusty Snatch

An extremely smelly vagina that has a metallic twang to its odor. Origins include bad hygiene and a female being within the menstrual cycle window.

I tried to go down on this girl last night and she had a rusty snatch. It smelled like a rotten bag of old pennies.

by DonkeyDongDoug October 2, 2018

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