Spouse's half-sister or half-brother's wife.
My half-sister-in-law is a good person.
1- Half-sibling's wife.
2- Spouse's half-sister.
My half-sister-in-law is a good person.
1- Half-sibling's wife.
2- Spouse's half-sister.
The Oh So Diva, the Stallion of them All .
That My Dean Big Sister H-Town Hottie .
when a girl feels like she annoys everyone she talks too, the fear of being seen as an irritating burden
Sarah has an awful case of little sister syndrome, she wont tell me what’s going on
The opposite of tunnel buddies- two women that have shared the same slept with the same person at some point in time.
Hey you slept with brad too? We’re train sisters
Meghan: I'm about to sister slam hands (SSH) with Samantha tomorrow.
Tohmas: OMG. REALLY? Why!!