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Socially Dangerous

A person that should not go out in public alone.

A style of clothing/dress/hair/piercings that is so weird it cannot be unseen and is indescribable.

A person that is loosing touch with society because of massive amounts of time spent indoors.

Marcie- Is Leah taking fashion tips from Socially Dangerous magazine again?
Stacy- Oh God, don't let her out in public, what people will see cannot be unseen.

Meanwhile in Japan, the gameshows there usually include socially dangerous costumes, I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those outfits.

Mike- Have you seen Steve around lately?

Adam- No, he's been in his WoW world for two months now
Mike- Oh no! once he reaches level 80, he's gonna be socially dangerous!

Adam- Dude, best bring him back to reality gently...

by wirelesscable August 31, 2010

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social closening

The feeling of having a close relationship to actresses/actors in porn videos in lieu of actual human contact

Since the pandemic started, Iโ€™ve been at home practicing social closening.

by Word-maven March 14, 2020

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social halitosis

Such as halitosis is for bad breath. This definition is used to define a horrible social mishap in which the yield is a terribly awkward silence and embarrassment as a result of said silence. Can be confused with word vomitting. Often used as a failed attempt of levity. Used in Say Anything's song on their new album named Say Anything- "She Won't Follow You."

(Amongst a group of females.)
Noble (male): "So what are you ladies doing this evening?

(Females): *Chatter Chatter*

Dick (Male that also joins the conversation.): "So what's up guys? I mean girls, you know because you guys are girls and have vaginas and such... (Pause) So what's up females?...

Noble (to crowd): "I can smell this guy's social halitosis from here."

by Socialistically Awkard November 4, 2009

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Social sandpaper

A person who constantly makes social interactions awkward, generally due to defects in their personality or after imbibing large amounts of alcohol or sometimes both. This person does not have a social radar and often kills conversations dead in their tracks. Speaking to this person often is about as pleasant as rubbing sandpaper on your face.

'Hey girls, wanna hear a rape joke?'
'God, this guy is like social sandpaper.'

by MoscowA May 1, 2010

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social ontology

A cyclical time theory of linearity in which asymmetry causes incompleteness (inequality); and incompleteness causes discontinuity; and discontinuity recursively causes asymmetry.

That is to say, from mediums emerge outcomes, from outcomes emerge catastrophes and from catastrophes recurse to form new mediums beginning the cycle of linearity once again.

Also called ontologistics.

Social ontology is an ontologistical iteration of the tri-functional hypothesis.

by sandraxine August 26, 2018

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social CRM

CRM (customer relationship management)

1.) integration of socialytics (social analytics) into customer relationship management software

2.) CRM software that incorporates socialytics aggregators for users to optimize their existing and potential customer relationships on a social media platform
Such optimizing can include: establishing new communication vehicles with existing & potential customers; creating customer loyalty; better understanding customers to improve service interaction and product development; brand recognition; advertising opportunities; increased sales; creation of online demographics; and increased search engine optimization.

I can follow my customer's eating & shopping trends thru review sites by using my social CRM software.

by @ideasfromlisa May 21, 2010

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Social Movie

A movie that you buy, rent, or go to see that has absolutely no cinematic value because you want to make fun of it with your friends.

Billy: Man, Mortal Kombat is one of the worst movies I have ever seen!
Bobby: But is such a great social movie!

by Tristitia January 18, 2009

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