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Swamp donkey

A shit so big it pokes out of the water. When you try to flush it’s too big and it won’t go down.

Hey Jim!
Yeah buddy what’s up?
Last night I took a shit so big. It wouldn’t flush and it was poking out if the water!!
Well bro, looks like you dropped a swamp donkey.

by Eastong7@gmail.com November 16, 2018

Swamp donkey

*A very hairy woman.

*Mostly found in the Pacific north west and the Galapagos Islands.

*First discovery made in Shasta County.

Bro, I got laid last night. But she was a total swamp donkey.

by Polarbear667 October 15, 2018

Swamp donkey

a swift footed swamp ass slut that sleeps with every hairy, dick, and sometimes cool cats known as toms, and some may rock a mushroom top

"So i tell the swamp donkey to sock it before i give her a trunk in the treys' mans' entrance and have her lick me apples". On a Euro trip

by Ana.L November 13, 2014

Swamp Donkey

Noun. An extremely unattractive person.

"I met my new housemate today. He's a total swamp donkey".

by Simox August 5, 2011

Swamp Donkey

The dopest MSO clan ever, consisting of a very tight-knit group of family.

Man, those swamp donkeys whooped our butts last night.

by MSO King Kong March 31, 2020

swamp donkey

Lower than a cunt..

Your a swamp donkey slut...

by SIXTYSIXTYNINE August 8, 2017

Swamp Donkey

A flea infested wench usually found in the gutters of cities. Often found feasting on the bowel movements of south African children.

Since they have no purpose to live, they are usually hunted by a group known as the Wolf-Pack.

"There goes a Swamp Donkey! Should we shoot it, or kick it?"

by Slashback October 9, 2009