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A really sweet bubbly girl with underatted humor. She is a great friend who will always be there for you when you need someone to talk to.

She’s so lovely she just a Anna-Chris

by Merolxo123 November 22, 2021

Anna Sol

Anna Sol is used to refer Mayra's furry girlfriend.

Anna Sol loves Mayra's feet.

by dipsy666 November 23, 2021

Anna Sol

Anna sol is used to refer Mayra's girlfriend.

Anna sol is a furry

by dipsy666 November 23, 2021

Anna Sol

Anna sol is used to refer Mayra's girlfriend

Anna Sol loves feet.

by dipsy666 November 23, 2021

Anna Sofie

Anna Sofie is a beautiful red-haired girl, who is always up for fun times and beer. She is smarter than most, open-minded and enjoys deep conversations about life. If you are Anna Sofie's friend or boyfriend/girlfriend, consider yourself VERY lucky.

"Have you seen Anna Sofie?"
"Yes, she is over there by the beers, chatting away"

by hallihalløj November 25, 2021

Anna Sofie

Anna sofie is a cheap name like her mother too. She has yellow teeth and sausage finger. She is fad like 3 worlds together her charackter is dustbin

Omg there is anna sofie

Yes i saw her in my dreams ind my bad dream😬

by StalkerPro January 4, 2017


Anna-Sofie is a kind hearted person.
They are sexy and can make you go WILD

If you hurt them, they will infect caught off your balls.

Anna-sofie is a respected and well-known person, who likes to party!

Anna-Sofie made my balls hurt

by Von.D November 22, 2021