Someone who is wearing white vans.
"Damn Daniel! Back at it again with the white vans!!"
the new pointless meme that consists of a kid yelling damn daniel the whole video
daniel's friend: damn daniel, back at it again with the white vans!
daniel: kill me now
Fuckboy with white shoes.
Damn Daniel, back at it with bitch tits again! STITTIES MAN!
when danielle does something stupid
so you say "damn daniel!"
"damn daniel"
Damn Daniel is a video in which Daniels friend video tapes him wearing vans, but when he wears white vans, he says DAMN DANIEL BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE WHITE VANS
Damn Daniel back at it again with the white vans
Back at it again with the white vans!
Damn daniel! Back at it again with the white vans!
When you see a person with white vans.
DAMN DANIEL back at it again with the white vans.