Title adopted by a little fat twat who considers himself the most important person in his home town. The rotund monarch waddles slowly around wearing homosexual sandals, shorts and shades. His Queen is a repulsive dragon with teeth like surfboards. She doesn't understand a word you say because the massive weight of the teeth causes stress in the brain. The royal couple are universally despised and are frequently the victims of monkeyish pranks.
Flobule: Dad, what time are we going to Asda?
Dad: Don't know. I'll have to ask the King of West Bridgford. You need his permission to do things.
Flobule: That's right. We must respect our leader.
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The Manhattan neighborhood west of the upper (59th street) and lower (110th street) bounds of Central Park. Between the Upper East Side and Park Slope in character. Its 220,000 residents (although best understood by Avenue/subdivision of the neighborhood) are:
- White and often Jewish, some blacks and hispanics (most heavily on Amsterdam Avenue and Columbus Avenue north of 86th street), Asians over-represented but not hugely
- Upper-middle class, lawyers, doctors, bankers (though fewer of the ultra-elite top .01% than the Upper East Side) successful writers, artists, musicians who tend to be more established/less cutting-edge and in their 30s or older (and if younger, they're more often than not associated in some way with Columbia University)
- Fairly mixed, though the wealthiest tend to be on Central Park West (esp. the closer to 59th street) Riverside Drive & West End Avenue (most esp. in the 70s, but throughout)
- Family-oriented & responsible, lots of kids, not too many people in their 20s
- Internationally aware and oriented
- Often entitled, though many are aware of it. Cultured, well-educated, quick to make it known. Perhaps highest New Yorker and New York Times readership per capita anywhere. Standard-bearers of liberal establishment. Stodgier and less at the cultural forefront than they'd like to believe. Not arrogant, but pleased with themselves, can come off as obnoxious. Take privilege somewhat for granted. Overall good people.
Sheila is the prototype Upper West Side mom: She's a half-Jewish, half-WASP, Ivy-educated lawyer married to a doctor, she's got two kids in a stroller who are going to a good private school, orders from Fresh Direct but makes constant trips to Zabar's, North Face fleece and New Balance running shoes, goes to regular dinner parties and the kids' school functions, likes work and is successful but always balances it with family life
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A softer, gentler way to say: "get out of my fucking face, bitch."
"No. There will not be any money spent on you tonight, now SCRAM IT WEST, HO!"
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A ghetto ass car dealership in Richmond California.
"I just hit west coast motors and coped me a scraper. Let's hit the sideshow and go dumb."
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for those who live in the actual town.
west chester is home to jackass, viva la bam and fairmans. A place where you can be frequently spotted holding a fennario's coffe cup or having brunch at penn's table. You go to the exton mall in your resonably priced car and shop whereever the clothes that fit you. One of your family members has probably lived in west chester their whole life, and graduated from henderson or east. Your not afraid to hang out in wendy's parking lots or get drunk on naty in the basement.
119๐ 42๐
A public university located in Pensacola, Florida. Filled with the most badass people in america, this university strives to dominate the world while limiting the retards of society each and every day.
Dude, which university do you go to?
I fuckin' go to the University of West Florida, or better yet, the United Workers of Freedom...(from retards)!
41๐ 13๐
Located in Morgantown, West Virginia, this school is home to the world's finest couch burners. They usually have a pretty decent football team and basketball team, although the 2009-2010 basketball team won the Big East Championship and made it to the NCAA Final Four. Many innocent couches were burned those nights.
Their biggest sports rival is whoever they happen to be playing that night, though they do particularly hate Pitt, and will usually shout "Eat shit Pitt" at games. The fans offten times make sports center because of their heckling tactics (which include shouting the name of a coach's misstress) and throwing trash onto the floor and at players from the other school. The rowdy fans are offten times from New Jersey, but can be just about anyone from the school if they're playing Pitt. They burn couches and sing "Country Roads" after every game.
Mom- What should we do with this old couch?
Dad- Hey, let's send it to our son that goes to West Virginia University that way he has something to burn after the game!
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