A bed decision is a decision made after having sex by two people in authority, on plan of actions with an intended negative effect on a particular person or group of persons without the benefit of due process or due diligence, for the personal purpose of one or both of the sex partners. Usually sex is used to coax a partner to agree to a decision for the benefit of the one suggesting a decision. Bed decisions can also be decisions on how to commit corruption or the improper use of the funds of the organization, or to condone a wrongful act of a particular person or group being protected by either one of the sex partners, or to obtain a certain benefit for a particular person or group. In this definition bed decisions are bad decisions or evil decisions using sex to scheme sinister plots.
The termination of Jack's employment contract was a bed decision between his female Project Manager and the Country Manager who are having an affair, because the Project Manager did not like Jack's sense of independence.
when mason fingers jenna while GK is hooking up with 2 shorties named katie and Hanna
Mason wtf man get you fingers out of her this is emmas bed
A tender wordless arms-around dat you perform wif yer sweetie during a shared slumber-period when you realize dat da blankets are in disarray; what ya do is to softly cradle her in yer arms, super-gently draw her upwards or sideways off of da bed and silently clasp her in a standing position for a long moment (slow-'n'-gentle shoulder-blade-scrunchies and quietly-affectionate lips-to-lips smooches optional, but often helpful in making said snooze-interruption even less distressing for her), then slowly-and-dreamily release her as you gradually step back a pace, and then immediately set about straightening up da blankets and pillows so dat she can see right away why you performed said unusual/unexpected bodily-maneuvers wif her.
Always employing a bed-fixing embrace will ensure dat your nap-sharing snuggle-bunny will never significantly mind having her sleepy-time occasionally disturbed, since it will mostly take da shock or "sting" outta said interruptions, plus of course it will have two hugely-welcome additional perks --- extra SNUGGLEZ, and being able to crawl back into a neat-'n'-comfy bed, and thus she can doze off in yer arms again in freshly-smoothed-blankets-and-tidied-pillows comfort.
A person who lounges in bed, usually with an electronic, a snack, or both. Can be used intermittently with couch potato.
"Dude, Dave's been laying in bed all day, a total bed bean. It's actually kind of concerning at this point."
When your dad comes home late from drinking and eats your ass like a cheesecake but you bite his nuts off and give them to your dog and suck that cock but fall and kick your bed
“Hey have you done a kick bed yet”
No not yet, but I did it yesterday
1. a bed that's too hot
2. a bed that roasts you when you lie down or sit on the bed
This is a roasting bed!
The action of progressively taking off more and more clothes while in bed due to sweatiness or general discomfort (I'm looking at you socks) until one is usually down to their underwear. Tends to be more awkward at sleepovers.
Dad: "Hey Jimmy, bring up all your laundry before you go to bed"
Jimmy: "I'm gonna end up bed shedding anyways, so I'll just bring it up in the morning"