Person 1 “what would you say is like the perfect best friend”
Person 2 “obviously you haven’t met Devin”
Any film so poorly or cheap produced (writing, acting, production values) that it appears it was made by someone who bought all their video equipment at a Best Buy. The usual format is a "found footage" horror, Bigfoot, alien abduction, rape-revenge, or slasher theme where lots of dumb, and often stoned and/or drunk, oversexed college students (or twenty something actors playing high school students) get killed through extremely contrived and ill conceived plot holes. Usually the director and writer also "act" as either victims or the killer. Not to be confused with cult films from the 1970s and 1980s using more conventional production values such as Friday the 13th, etc., rather the genre is a shoestring outgrowth of Blair Witch Project, etc.
Since the Covid-19 lockdowns I have wasted too many hours watching Best Buy Movies on Tubi and YouTube.
Hannah is one amazing girl she is so cute and nice. and is very confident in everything she does
Hannah is the best every she help me with my quiz
Two people who are closer than best friends, but aren’t a couple. Everyone knows they are friends and they share random yet relatable things.
Maddison: Hi Best French Fry!
Julian: Hello.
Some idiot: Why do you call-
Both: Stfu
Rio is the most amazing friend I have ever met in my whole lifetime. Rio is amazing, beautiful, kind, smart, amazing, smart, beautiful, amazing, and more amazing. If you ever meet Rio please treat her right because if you don’t I will rock your sh|t. Rio is the best person I have ever met, she is like a sister to me and I talk to her everyday due to her love and care for me. She is always the person I look forward talking to every single day. When I wake up she is the first person I speak to and when I’m about to sleep she is the last person I speak to. She makes me feel comfortable in her presents because she cares and that’s why I love her. She is a whole mood and we share the same interests in almost EVERYTHING (mint chocolate chip ice cream and toothpaste and chocolate. Dont come for me :/) ANYWHOREEEE RIO I LOVE YOU AND I HOPE YOU SEE THIS LMAOAOAOAOAOSOSD. Bye I’m not done yet idiots. Rio has had my back during every situation I have been through and I really love her for that. I love her for everything she does (NO HOMO IDOITS) I love our 9229282929 hour calls together and I love when we hang out together. I really look forward to meeting her eventually but till then Hopefully we will always stay besties the way we are now. I can be stupid and annoying at times but she doesn’t care and I ALSO LOVE HER FOR THAT. Thank you rio for being A L I V E <3 ily bestay
Wow Addie is the best bestie in the world!
the meaning of best daughter ever is basically Jane
person: Hi who’s the best daughter ever
everyone: JANE