Source Code


Ninth-cousin-six-times-removed (9C6R).

My ninth-cousin-6X-removed is a good person.

by N8953SW June 27, 2021


Sesqui-first cousin’s daughter.

My sesqui-cousin-niece is a good person.

by Hgcloziw November 23, 2019

Cousin shagger

Bell,duval fam

A cousin shagger is a person who wants to poo on there cousins faves

by Snagging oaps May 13, 2022

first step-cousin-niece

1. The granddaughter of one's parent's stepsibling.
2. The stepgranddaughter of one's parent's sibling.
3. The granddaughter of one's stepparent's sibling.

My first step-cousin-niece is a good person.

by Elivaldeq November 24, 2019


First-cousin-four-times-removed (1C4R).

My first-cousin-4X-removed is a good person.

by N8953SW June 26, 2021

Logan’s cousin

Hot with a fat ass, he even admitted it

That’s Logan’s cousin

by Demarcus’smainhoe May 19, 2022

first great-cousin-nephew

First cousin's grandson.

My first great-cousin-nephew is a good boy.

by Hgcloziw November 23, 2019