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Fuck off Sujit
Used when someone rejects you without getting to know you yet is a fuckboy with others.

Friend: Hey how are things going between you and that guy you added on snap.
You: Oh he's a dick, he just sent me black screens and left me on delivered for days.
You: FOS

by snapcrush March 13, 2022


FOS pronounced as False. Meaning Full Of Shit, some one who tell obvious lies to exaggerate there lifestyle.

Alvin so FOS. Why he trying to impress me with all them lies?

by TheRealKennis March 12, 2017


Full of shit

You are fos!

by G murda December 29, 2022


FOS = friend of “shannon

An elite status for people.

Term used for when you get treated differently to regular people.

They got that that job cos they’re a FOS.

Don’t worry they’ll be ok they’re a FOS.

by FOS wannabe July 9, 2021



Rampage FOS!

by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. November 22, 2020


Fucked over sink

Don’t you just hate when you play fortnite and your mom gets FOS’ed by some random guy

by cw91fos March 19, 2018


a fictional lost latin word which is a theory of the fact that the world ending as soon as everyone in the world does something at once

guy: i've just searched up the fos theory, now i'm scared
guy 2: oh yeah, dont. it'll never happen

by nobilly7 February 7, 2023