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when one takes a large quantity of paper money and slaps another person with said wad of bills. Origin from the fact that jews poses large disposable sums of money.

After getting his paycheck in cash, Josh jew-slapped his co-workers.

by monkeyfaggotniggerchinkybeaner May 20, 2010

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Jew Ring

Jew rings are a boiled then baked dough ring. when referred to as bagels, they are usually very poor in quality. but Jew rings are top notch in texture and flavour.

Jew ring is the true translation for the Yiddish word "beygl", which is rarely acknowledged. Bagel, the English word given to represent Beygl is incorrect.

Bagels while similar, are different, usually being pronounced incorrectly, much like catsup is not the same as ketchup.

Schlomo: I'm getting hungry, hymie, what should we do?

Hymie: well its obvious,isnt it? we must go to Avi's Bakery and pick up some Jew rings!

Schlomo: well what are we waiting for??

Client1: oh jesus... he's getting antsy for his money, what do we do?

Client2: lets give him a bag of Jew rings, that should hold him off

by steve2202 November 13, 2010

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The Coolest Jew

Albert Einstein. That’s all.

Israel: We want The Coolest Jew to be president.
Austria: Who?
Israel: Oh, we mean Albert Einstein.

by superthunderthotius May 30, 2019

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Jew napper

A Jewish girl, one who typically naps a lot. Logic dictates this term defines virtually all Jewish girls.

David: "How was the date last night?"
Jordan: "She didn't answer her phone, this morning txted me she was sleeping!"
David: "Another Jew napper."

The bachelorette weekend was a great time. Unfortunately the high density of Jew nappers slowed us down.

by Ben "Shalom" Bernanke May 30, 2011

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Queen of Jews

The biggest jew of them all, representing all the qualities of a jewish person

Darian is queen of jews, the biggest jew of them all.

by Capn Kirk October 18, 2010

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Jew line

A jew line, resembles the conga line of Jews that marched into Auschwitz

There they stood on that historic day, in the famous jew line as they headed into Auschwitz.

by PillagerSlayer619 April 23, 2021

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Wave Jew

Someone who takes all the waves when you are surfing

"Oh man, that wave is huge!"
"Go get it!"
Naw, Joey took it already. He's a total wave jew today"

by SurfMan February 12, 2012

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