Is the most annoying dog in the world and he gets everything he wants from his mommy. He only sites the people who get on his nerves like Gianna and Yaya. He growls at everyone, not just the people he doesn't like. He can be sweet sometimes but it is rare. He is always sweet to his mommy
Kitty Cat
• cats (like cats irl)
• pussy (the thing in a girl)
i have a kitty cat 🐱🐱
kitty is a baby cat, cat is a cat, so its a double cat
i have a very cute kitty cat
the most adorable thing in the world
can i have your kitty cat for 100$ no its to kute
Only the best stripper in the nation ;)
Damn look at kitty glitz! She’s quality
Mating call to attract Shen Quanrui, the most beautiful white cat to exist
person a : ok what the fuck r u doing?
person b : hey kitty pspspsps (while holding strawberry drink)
person c : uhm I don't think there are any cats here
person b : im mate calling, now calm down, let me retry that again.
Dude your cat needs to chill on the beers his kitty liver can't take much more.