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Mel Gibson Mode

When a drunken person flips out and embarrassingly lets loose their bottled up dark side. Usually it involves a barrage of racial and (mostly antisemetic) slurs.

We wrere all chilling at the bar after work until a drunken Joe went into Mel Gibson Mode; ran his mouth off about blacks and Jews, then picked fights with anyone he bumped into. 5 seconds later he was crawling on the floor, gathering his teeth.

by Dr. Claw January 22, 2009

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crazy mang mode

Crazy mang mode is when you have a big event coming up that you have to prepare for, everything else in your life is forgotten except for that event. All your energy is put towards completing the event perfectly. You don't drink water, just Redbull. If it is a test you take a study sheet to the washroom when you take a shit, every second of every day. Maximum sleep allowed is 4 hours. You turn into a study creature that acts erratically, takes at least 2 weeks to recover from Crazy Mang Mode.

Jack: YOOOO KAMRON we have to go crazy mang mode for this fuckin Ops exam. The prof's know shit and are going to make it hard as fuck.

Kamron: Brooo, fuck that... last time I did that I couldn't fall asleep till 4a.m.

Jack: BRO I got a fucking FIFTY on the first midterm, I need 100!!!!!

*Jack & Kamron enter crazy mang mode*

by krazymang November 8, 2011

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squid mode

Squid mode is a the phenomenon when your arms and legs become numb and limp as result of getting stoned from a good mj plant that makes you feel like a limp noodle or better yet squid, thats the one you want because makes you feel good :)

That's MJ was mega dope last night I got squid! Squid mode!

by squid mode January 24, 2017

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Sicko Mode

Sicko Mode is just dicko mode gone crazy and stupid

AHHHHH Go Crazy AHHHHHHHH Go Stupid is Sicko Mode

by likewiseitaly March 3, 2019

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Sicko Mode

Song by Travis Scott ft. Drake

Young LaFlame, he in sicko mode

by Sav_Kid March 12, 2019

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bone mode


When i saw them Rhianna pics, i was on bone mode

by vonnyny May 14, 2011

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Uber Eats Mode

The state of constant anticipation of an Uber Eats delivery arriving, even though the food has already come.

"I wish I could just sit down and relax but I still feel like the pizza's almost here..."

"Dude, we finished eating the pizza two hours ago. Sounds like you're stuck in Uber Eats mode."

by puggpu July 10, 2020