Source Code

Meme pass

Something Aaron doesn’t have

Stop sending memes when you don’t have a meme pass you uncultured swine

by RiceCream69_ March 25, 2019

Bump pass

When a hoe actin up you bump Pass

Yo did you see that hoe actin up?

Yup bump pass

by Bri$ March 10, 2018

im only passing through or maybe just right out

when someone wants to tell you something,, but doesn't really wanna talk too much about it

derived from the lemon demon song "sundial"

jeff or something: hey man you probably shouldn't ask for pictures of people's fecies
im only passing through or maybe just right out
bob: hujh?? why not???
jeff *explains why you shouldn't ask for pictures of people's fecies*

by some furry don't mind me October 17, 2022

minor pass

like the n word pass but it can be given by a minor to have intercourse with other minors

"sir you're under arrest"
"nuh uh i got that minor pass"

by hunggaf December 8, 2024

Pass me the E

Pass me the E means pass the Ecstasy around. E stands for Ecstasy and is used in drug slang language.
Other definitions of E: Ecstasy, MDMA, Molly, XTC, X.

(Drake): Pass me the E!
(Me): ight bet.

by 15mtl January 14, 2022

pass pot

To fart very loudly in a public space without consent

"He was forced to pass pot in school 😭😢"

by coolduckdicks March 24, 2022

Shovel Pass

(verb) To cups ones hands around flatulent gas as it exits the anus, then pass the hands under another's nose.

I say, I shovel passed that gnarly fart under his nose.

by RoanokeVaSlang May 21, 2010