Source Code

pot calling the kettle black

A definition my teacher, Mr. Twichell used, to call Nick a hypocrite.

Yes, it's pretty much just calling someone a hypocrite.

Real conversation:
Nick: Shut up. You're so annoying.
Twichell: Nick, you're a pot calling the kettle black.
Nick: What does that mean?
Twichell: No, Natalie it's not racist. Nick, it means you're a hypocrite.

by YoItsNat March 1, 2017

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"pot calling the kettle black"

u know what it means...

what happened when Paula Abdul told
Kady Maloy (of American Idol 7)
"you have some pitching problems..."

That is "pot calling the kettle black"

by vouguey February 24, 2008

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San Fransisco Melting Pot

When Asian, White, Black, and Hispanic dicks are all put in ones mouth at the same time.

Trey did a San Fransisco Melting Pot at Andrews last night.

by Marcas Buster March 23, 2015

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drinking from the fish pot

the act of licking a woman out

tom l wanted to drink from viviens fish pot

by jesus h christ April 2, 2003

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cooking dope in the crock pot

making chili

rain dip drop top cooking dope in the crock pot

by Meyers my October 31, 2017

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Country Bumpkin Pot Pie

A Country Bumpkin Pot Pie is the sexual act of extracting the mixture of semen and feces from a close family members anal cavity. Taking said mixture and setting aside for some time to ferment. Upon fermentation the mixture is added to an apple pie crust and placed in the oven at 350 degrees. The pie is finished once the close family members Bumpkin timer goes off. (a Bumpkin timer is set by engaging in anal sex with the relative who supplied the semen and feces mixture, also known as a Danglin' Diddle. The timer goes off once the relative orgasms from anal pleasure.) After the timer take out the pie and enjoy it as a family to complete the Country Bumpkin Pot Pie.

"Hey Darryl, You and yer cousin Jessica enjoy a good Country Bumpkin Pot Pie last night?"

by Subscribe to Buddy Pear January 6, 2021

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Honey Pot Money Shot

when your smoking glass gets so hot that the tar resin runs into your mouth

I took a big ole hit of my hitter the other day and right at the end i caught the honey pot money shot

by ripper1213 May 10, 2011

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