The chill kid in the back of the class who honestly dont give a fuck
Defecating; taking a shit on the toilet.
It's taking Mr. Fanelli a long time in the bathroom. He must be shooting turdbirds in the ceramic firing range!
A holiday that occurs on the 4th of December each year. Celebrators are encouraged to shoot a CEO to encourage meaningful change in a way that democracy has failed them.
I can't go to work today since I have plans for International Shoot A CEO Day.
14 year old kid. Had made previous threats. 4 dead 9 injured.
Hym "Just found out about the Georgia School Shooting that just happened. No details on a motive yet."
Noun, (SHE-CRET SHCUTE): A phrase that has many meanings, but we really don’t fucking know
friend #1: You killed that hair boy
Friend #2: THANKS
ME:* stands and stares deeply into the distance as I think of everything I’ve ever done in my slow sad life*
1. cop-out and accept the minimum prize, for doing no work
2. do what is lucrative instead of doing your job
In contrast "go for the gold" means try and risk failure for the possibility of greater achievement.
Required to pick a research topic in order to move up in academia, he decided to shoot for the gold with "people with AIDS suffer more infections than other people" instead of picking something, like, intelligent and interesting.
The action of cutting someone off, on the road, whilst ejaculating onto their car windshield.
My friend believed that shooting someone off was a viable punishment for reckless drivers.