A skidded odem suicide is a word used to describe a phase where one gets so stressed or so high/drunk that they have a small explosion in the brain causing them to just got somewhat crazy for a small ammount of time doing things they normally wouldnt do to cope with the crazyness.
Bro i've been so stressed im abt to have a Skidded Odem Suicide (5o5)
Asian Suicide is just eating a lot of rice and playing League of Legends 24/7 till you die
“Did you hear how Bob committed Asian Suicide?”
Get your dick sucked by someone who has taken an high amounts of MDMA and/or other illegal pills causing them to Gurn and maybe bite your dick bitten off!
James: "Did you hear about Joe's penis getting bite off"
Thom: " Yea, he had failed the suicide suck"
A person who Ties a rope to a heavy object, including they're neck, then yanking they're body forward as hard as possible to kill they're self
Random person: How did he commit suicide!?
Detective: Looks like he did a suicide Yank.
They might be family but they don't mean you well they trying to turn you out, there making you look bad, are you that socially Suicidal, you will do anything to seem like you belong in that crowd, you're looking bad, especially when your trying to portray something different outside of those friends.
The act of erasing all traces of yourself from the internet including deleting all your accounts.
After being harassed everyday, he decided to commit internet suicide.
Posting something intentionally cringe or offensive in order to receive hate so they can just sit back and laugh at people actually falling for it even though you don't mean it.
Person 1: did you see how Tim committee internet suicide?
Person 2: yeah, it was funny but if a company like Amazon or Microsoft finds out, he's in trouble.