The act of giving sweet tender pleasure to a woman and she cums onto your mustache and you slurp it down like big Tony’s spaghetti
Last night I was hungry and fat Susan gave me a Italian crustache
A drunk Italian-American (typically male) who deliberately urinates in his pants instead of getting up to use the bathroom.
Marc's barstool is continously soaked in piss because he's a Golden Italian who thinks giving himself a Golden Shower is better than pissing in a urinal and losing his seat.
1. Slang for a handgun (pistol or revolver). As in Italian gangsters are known to occasionally pistol whip an adversary.
2. A Beretta brand pistol. Italian made. See definition 1.
3. A rib steak with the rib attached on presentation, in an Italian restaurant.
1. I’m packing my Italian Tomahawk, just in case I need some heat.
3. I ordered the Italian Tomahawk, with a glass of Chianti.
When you go to an upscale restaurant in a major city with a strict dress code (the kind of place that lends out a jacket to the sap that forgot his at home) without a jacket, a ridiculously colored pair of pants, and an obnoxious bow tie or better yet in shorts, flip flops and no tie, either way with your sleeves rolled up. You then manage somehow to be seated against the establishment's policies. Shortly thereafter you are sung happy birthday in Italian by a portly employee. For additional fun, go to the bathroom all the way across the restaurant in your shorts, thereby giving everyone a second look at your audacity.
Guy 1: She didn't tell me the place would be so fancy. I was insanely underdressed.
Guy 2: So, what'd you do?
Guy 1: What any man would do. I went in there, met her dad and brother, and pulled The Italian Birthday.
Guy 2: How'd that turn out?
Guy 1: Oh they hate me, but it was funny as hell.
All cars since 2001 have had a trunk emergency release (located inside of the trunk). This has prevented mafia types, hit men, etc. from using newer cars when kidnapping victims.
Joey owed like 6 dimes to Vinny's crew, so they picked him up and shoved him in the trunk. Lucky for him, the numbnuts didn't realize their car had an Italian escape hatch, and he busted out of there at the first stop sign.
During the act of oral sex, the one giving head suddenly yells “mama mia!” And performs a death roll on the males dick, while keeping it in their mouth. The one receiving head must recite a passage from an italian cookbook, specifically one about spaghetti or pasta.
Person1: yo dude how did it go with stacy last night?
Person two: yo duude it was great! She even did the italian spaghetti twist on me! It was amazing!