Source Code

Wing Skeet Skeet

An afro headed telemarketer

Manager Says "Get on the phone Wing Skeet Skeet and pick your head while your at it.

by Poppadittypop February 20, 2007

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radical right-wing

Commonly refers to terrorist factions. There are countless indications to determine whether or not someone is radical right-wing, but the most dominant indicator is that the person, or group, believes greatly in war and fulfilling objectives through means of terrorism. There is possible lack of belief in human life involved as well.

"Whoever says Bush is radical right-wing clearly doesn't know jackshit. Bush is just right-wing. You can't just call him radical right-wing just because we went to war. But then again what do I know; I try to veer away from politics."

by Dave February 3, 2004

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one winged lincoln

when their partner
gets a hat and the jumps female takes a wild shat in it then he jumps around with the hat on as if he had one wing the they throw up in eachothers mouths

"dude i think that guy got a one winged lincoln, look at the expression on his face

by flippin skittles (u know what it is) May 21, 2008

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detroit red wings

One of the oldest teams in the NHL, they are widely considered one of the best teams in the NHL today, and that is is mostly true. However, now, they are mostly just a bunch of old guys (Chelios, take a hint you old useless douche) and need to stop getting their asses kicked by Colorado.

Detroit Red Wings Fan: Detroit is Hockeytown!
Other person: No you idiot, that's just what they say in Detroit because it makes them feel like it's THEIR game, which it isn't. Winnipeg is hockey town. Seriously, give Winnipeg a team again. We deserve one.

by guitarhero2 November 1, 2006

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Hot wing hangover

The feeling in your gut the morning after you eat an ass load of hot wings. Usually accompanied by large amounts of shitting and diarrhea.

Piercen: Man I have been shitting all morning and my stomach feels like it is full of vaginas.
CP: Why what happened?
Piercen: I ate an ass load of hotwings last night and now I have a hot wing hangover.

by commiekyle2 December 2, 2011

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Bitching Red Wing

Licking the period blood off of your dog's vagina, preferably in a public setting with lots of people around

Greg's dog Sophie wouldn't stop being a bitch, so he was forced to perform a bitching red wing

by xxDogLiquorxx February 12, 2010

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Wings of Fire kids

Kids who read the book series so many times they wont shut the fuck up about it.

Person 1: I keep getting nagged by some Wings of Fire kids. They won't shut up about it.
Person 2 : Time to drop the nuclear weapons.

by Peter Griffin tells the truth June 6, 2022

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