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Troll user

Troll is the funny funny haha who once at an entire sandwich by herself like a grown woman #girlboss

Have you heard of Troll user? Who is that? Deez

by PhantomTav October 1, 2021

Crib Troll

Any baby that has little to no hair, makes many random and odd babbling sounds, and looks impish in a diaper. Usually found sitting or standing in a crib just sounding and looking odd, like a small troll. May have staring habit as well and funny teeth.

Dick : "So I met this chick I've been talking to invited me over the other day, I wanted to date her until I saw and heard her crib troll.."

Johnson : "Whats a crib troll man?"

Dick : "Just a strange looking baby man, the kind thats weird to see and sounds impish."

by Mr & Mrs White Owl February 26, 2014

Silent Trolling

People who engage in trolling by "liking" someone's trolling comments on Facebook instead of making comments themselves.

Just because you don't say anything, doesn't mean you aren't being a troll. You're silent trolling when you "like" the comments of someone who is trolling!

by madeinsanpablo December 30, 2015

plead trolling

Trying to save face after you lose an online debate by claiming it was all a prank and you were somehow controlling your opponent.

I've run out of arguments and I'm tired, so I'm going to plead trolling instead of not posting anymore or resuming later.

by RJ45L October 22, 2013


The act of infinitely trolling a person or group of people. Rinse and repeat. v- infini-trolling

When i see people that were facebook friends in my suggestions, i infini-troll them by friending them, then un-friending them, then let them continuously try to friend me.

by Popeye (T.S.M.) January 6, 2012

Stair Troll

A noun describing the strange pseudo goth/weeb/cosplayer/borderline bdsm hybrids (often in high-school) who amass in the stair-wells in abnormally high numbers. Stair trolls tend to wear things like cat-ears, tails, fingerless gloves, and overly large sweaters that go past their fingers. In addition to these items, they are often toe-walkers, or wear animal slippers, simulating pawed animal feet.
In essence, a stair troll is a pseudo weeb/cosplayer/goth/bdsm individual, confined within a tight social space where they feel outcasted, and herd together in reclusive areas, where they may find strength in numbers.

They are sometimes seen with hideous piercings, exotic hair colors, and foul attitudes.

Nobody knows where the stair troll comes from, and they are theorized to reproduce asexually, During lunch, they do not eat at tables, and instead are found in random locations around the cafeteria. Stair trolls never make eye contact, and cannot function without their posse. When addressed by a normal person they typically respond by hissing loudly.

Joel: Bruh those BDSM weebs at the stair-well just threw away all of their food. Nobody ate anything. When I tried to approach them they made crazy animal sounds and crawled away and started licking their paws.
Andrew: Didn’t you read the damn sign dude? Don’t approach the stair trolls.

by mooosinb July 4, 2019

dating troll

a girl or a guy who will wait in the cut and make sure that the person you are dating is always uncomfortable dating you.
ie) A snake whispering in his/her ear.

While I was dating Tabatha, a dating troll started trolling and long story short the date ended before the ball got rolling.

by c-hat-e April 19, 2013