Balling-out, is an ancient technique when one puts their testicles in the waistband of their pants. Showing their balls to everyone.
Franco when Ball-out and is now a sex offender, because he was within 100ft of a school.
Verb phrase. To start a business.
This refers to old shops or guilds in the 1800's and before, where their business name was carved on a piece of wood called a shingle, which they would hang out over their front door for pedestrians to see.
"Your sister graduated Law School last week? When will she hang out a shingle?"
being jokely happy after something bad happens to you or you familly
he thug it out
To give a gangsta mood to something
"Let me thug it out, like I'm 'spose to" - N.O.R.E
A term used when a guy gives you every look and opportunity to get in your pants. Also could mean that a guy is ready to get layed.
" hey dude. You better have your (balls hanging out ) cause that party will be full of hot chicks!"
flipping out. anxiety attacks as the result of chaos in ones life where nothing is going as planned and everything is going wrong. ones reaction to a shit storm.
dude I am totally bipping out: my dog ran away, I'm an hour late to a job interview, I'm being kicked out of my apartment and the police are at the door.
Getting the raw end of the stick or getting left behind ; getting screwed over
Carla was ass'd out when everyone called out during her shift