chloe is a girl who has the fattest ass known to man kind and the smallest waste ever and pulls the hottest males ever
“damn chloe’s ass is plump as hell”
Chloe is the best person you will ever meet. She is fun to hangout with and loves animals. She is someone you will want to hang onto.
Me:"god I wish I had a Chloe."
She is just slay all day she has mostly black hair with dark brown eyes
Chloe is the cutest, kindest, prettiest in the world.
She’s always cheerful to others and always support her friends.
Although outwardly she seems cheerful and optimistic, inwardly actually she’s insecure about herself.
Chloe always tries to cover her scars all alone, not wanting to let people down because of her.
She have less confidence but still strong enough to prove others her abilities.
Chloe is the definition of wonderful, fantastic kind of partner.
A: Wow she’s so cute and kind.
B: Yea, she’s a Chloe.
chloe is a type of a cat, she likes to be fed, licked and ignored until she decides that you are worthy of touching her you can never understand if shes angry happy or horny because she always looks like she wants to nap.
my chloys name is chloe
Typically a person in which is insecure about herself. Though so, she is not a pick me and won't tell others "I'm so ugly!" and expect them to reply with "No you aren't!You're beautiful!" She is incredibly humorous and does not fail to light up your face. She has immeasurable beauty, and is not a typical girl. She is what others call different. She does not follow the crowd blindly and will stand up for what it right. Her life does not revolve around double standards and beauty. If you meet a Chloe, you sure as hell are lucky!
"Ooo...... who's that girl, I might just play with her heart!"
"Don't dude...... she's a Chloe! You might get played instead!"