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southern person

A person, often inbred, who engages in hillbilly-ish activities such as porking the pooch, screwing close family relatives (incest), feeding and eating pigs, spitting in a tin can, and playing the "banjo." Often racist towards black peoples, calling them hateful names such as nigger, coon, niglet, negro, etc., and often embarking on coon hunts. Often carries a long-barreled firearm such as a double-barreled shotgun, a regular shotgun (that fires buckshot), or any other similar device. Not to be confused with Chuck Norris or Beverly Hillbillies. Often frequents trailer parks and small country bayous.

The southern persons all went on a coon hunt, got drunk, and then fucked their sisters except for the one of the hobos, who was trippin' on LSD and fucked his cat instead.

by GeorgeBushSucksBalls1234 February 8, 2011

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personal geek squad

(n.) Slang.

A title given to someone's friend who is a computer geek, often used for his (or her) technical skills. Eventually someone may abuse him (or her) and use their friend's ability for all their electronics.

Joshua is the personal geek squad in his town. He just pimped out Eric's lame notebook PC and gave him a 1080p video background and Google Chrome with awesome Extensions.

by raptroes July 16, 2010

entry level person

A person who pretends they can afford bougie products or brand but instead buy the cheapest item of said brand just to fit in. Can be used to describe someone’s behavior when they cannot live up to their carefully curated image.

For an item. I love Gucci and the ppl who wear it are hot.but I can’t afford it, but I’d like people to think I can. So I bought the cheapest of their belts. I’m an entry level person
For a person: he/she pretends to be so well mannered but is an entry level person.

by pseudooo10499 December 1, 2021

CoDependent Marginal Personality

Having unhealthy emotional attachments to people, pets, and possibly inanimate objects.

Miyoko is so CoDependent Marginal Personality with her cats, that she will not let the Veterinarian obtain a temperature, for fear of him hurting Fluffy.

by DannyAnnieBeauFanny January 31, 2009

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The cutest person in the world

The guy/girl reading this

Omg how is she/he so adorable its simple he/she is the cutest person in the world oh wow there so cute

by PrinceBubbleGum November 3, 2018

211πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

the cutest person in the world

You are the cutest person in the world. πŸ₯°πŸ₯ΊπŸ’•

don't listen to others, you are the cutest person in the world ,belive in yourself

by txtfurrys June 12, 2020

41πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Point of Personal Privilege

The only way some people can feel control in their life. When you make it aware that there is something that triggers you and then everyone has to make sure that trigger is not set off.

Also used with: Comrade

Quick point of personal privilege, will all comrades stay 20 feet away from me at all times...or I will call for security!

by Brandon Golets November 5, 2021

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